Artichoke: A unique beneficial flower bud!
The Taghouti International Company provides their
customers with the best quality of artichokes cultivated in soils in a irrigated areas. Artichokes are rich in minerals with their unique flavor.
Artichoke seasonality
The harvest of the artichoke takes from the beginning of october until the end of the month may. The two different types of artichokes have also different harvest times, the harvest of the white artichokes takes place in may, the purple ones in february. The production of the purple artichokes is predominant.
Artichokes are rich in vitamins and minerals:
Artichokes are rich in potassium and inulin, artichokes improve the function of digestive and
urinary eliminations. The edible parts of the artichoke have antioxidants which can prevent
cancer diseases.
Thanks to vitamin B9, artichokes protects the ,multiplication of cells and their development.